honeysuckle woman


honeysuckle woman. careless as she stands

sweet lilac purple she carries in her hand.

she lifts the tired stones she casts..

as they press underneath her feet.

shards of glass sink in bubbles.

her reflection makes her hate the way she loves him.

she is covered up again.

honeysuckle woman. weightless on her feet.

her dress a  pale shade of ivory

sweet and gentle sheer, tassels on her sleeves.

she moves with out a bustle, a hustle as she leaves

her warm deep hair chestnut. lazy waves rest at her shoulders.

a circle ring of silver, she wears  on her left hand.

she never wears her shoes, she always leaves them behind.

her skin is warm and olive.. her eyes a soft tawny tone..

she stands in the night hours.. and stares into the dusk.

she makes a wish on a falling star.. she lays underneath the moon.

her heart in constant chaos. it stays as if still lovers.

still she waits in silence, the calm before her storm.

she raises her hands out beside her.. and she is earthing circles in the grass.

she feels the soil cool and moist fill the space between her toes..

her fingers dance like music notes to a song she hears in her heart

she is spinning in her circles.. to erase it all away.

a poor girl with promise, and a gregarious smile..

she convicted to her reason, wears her beliefs like a coat.

she believes in magic, and superstitions, she believes that serendipity is a way of life.

she prays to the earth, and calls out to the wind, she plays in the water, and dances by the flames.

her spirit is free flowing, a tragically fragile ebb and flow.

she has a saucy tongue, a vocabulary of a queen.

her words they are like ocean waves, heavy and they hurt.

she speaks truth like she has never heard a lie. she dances even when she breaks to cry.

she is a woman on fire, with a spirit in her feet, a swift and perpetual motion..

she is happy; though she weeps.

she stand there in the between all time and space; truculent in her soiled footprints

she will not bend nor break.

she runs away in moments, ones that seem, make-believe, she lifts herself on pages, tattered with her poetry’s

of all her loves that failed to carry weight.

she carries on her arms, scars that often break and bleed, it makes her remember she is human.

that she can taste bitterness in the feelings in her pain.

honeysuckle woman, softly as she speaks.

let her carry you to fields of daisies, and run through willow trees.

let her show you secret gardens, where she will share the invisible that it keeps.

let her sink beneath the waters, that are beryl, and cerulean.

where the trees are the most vivid green youve ever seen, the sky looks like watercolor,

like she painted it with her own hands, where everything smells of floral, sage, and earth.

and let her grow to love you, she will honor your soul, and give you strength when it eludes you.

she will sing you lullabies as you sleep, she will memorize the spaces from your ear down to your cheek.

she will learn you, like a poet learns stanzas, the way a scholar studies every page inside a book, like a painter creates masterpiece out of nothing.

she will soak you into her soul, and breathe life over you. she is a honeysuckle woman.

she will hold you like a treasure that was forgotten in the sea.

she will set your world to sepia, things you have never seen.

she will be honest, and small against your skin, she will look to you in wonderment.

I know because I’ve seen.

she is a flower in a vase in the middle of a room, she is the scent of morning heavy on your skin.

she is a child of the stars, an accidental constellation, a line drawn in the sand.

she is a mystery as you see, those who try and seek her, will never keep her.

if she chooses to give you her love, you are among the few, who have ever felt her in the raw

she is a oddly marvelous in her way, and she moves through life radiating with love.

she is unwavering with her affections; and she is easy as she speaks.

this honeysuckle woman, is magnificent on her feet.

and should you catch a glimpse of her love, you should catch not to release..

honeysuckle woman, her spirit is exquisite as she is sleek.

honeysuckle woman-

steady in her feats.


About mollymar

I have been steadily writing poetry, and short stories since I was about 13-14. I have a seriously emotional soul. I believe that self expression is one of the highest forms of spiritual growth, and emotional release. I find my best writing comes from heartache, or sorrow. I am 31- I now live in Denver Colorado & I am loving it. I am a mother, I am a yoga efficient, I love music, and reading, writing, I love alternative things. I firmly believe laughter is a cure all, and I use humor to heal myself, and those around me. I have an insatiable love of the oddities of the world. I am eclectic and strange in my own skin. I am comfortable in my soul, which gives me the ability to express in ways similar. My writing is my therapy. Writing has always been my lover, where I can lose myself in a world of make believe, and feelings, and moments, where I can portray any thought or emotion that touches me in my soul. I am extroverted, and I see things for their true form. Paint the world with moments drench yourself in the colour. understanding what greatness you have seen. Its all in the exposures..positive and negatives.

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