Monthly Archives: September 2014

In me, there’s you.


Night sky envelops
The once sun filled skies.
There I found you
In wreckage
Of what had been your life.
Born into a madness
Living in sin
You once wore a darkness
That bruises your skin
You cry in the silence
Your heart breaks in thought
You drive yourself crazy
Choke on regret
I found you in pieces
There on the floor
You couldn’t keep breathing
Or move anymore
Your soul was so gentle
Your words soft like silk
You have a way about you
To light up a room
But you don’t see it
Like I see in you.
Reach up your hands
Tilt your face to the moon
Breathe my love
I won’t let you fall.
I won’t fail you here
Let me lift you
Pull you out of the black
I love you so much
I won’t turn my back
Were all burning out
Were all living to die
But you gave it all up
In lieu of despair
So my message to you
When you’ve lost your way

In this life I love you
In night and in day
I have memorized your maps
I have flown through your sky
I’ve swam in your oceans
I’ve drown in your seas
Nothing will cause me
To falter your name
I’ve walked on your footprints
I stand in your gaze
I know you’ll make it
I know you are brave
And no one will love you
With such a fire like mine
No one will hear you
Like I hear your sound
I know you’ll be better
Than you are today
Because I believe in you
I will sing out your song
I will lead you to solace
When you feel like dying

Just remember in June
When I gave you my heart
I love you enough
Let’s go back to the start.