Monthly Archives: November 2014

In the stillness, we were moving.


it doesnt matter the stillness that fills your trembling heart.

the cracks fill up like renegades rushing worlds apart.

for you i was your solace when you were coming through the dark.

and i always counted laughter like the measures from a song.

and i always lent you my heart when yours was twisted up into a mess.

counterpart the heavy – blood leaking from my chest.

holding on like mortar – gilded by a metal vest.

and it didnt matter silence, it didnt matter smoldering holes.

not the lesson you had looked for when you were 18 years old.

my finger tips are heavy drag my nails into the earth.

slowly like a swell, then gone all at once.

it doesnt matter the stillness that leads us far apart.

the water fills your lungs heady with a days last goodbye.

you smoked all of my cigarettes as we sat down on that pier.

i close my eyes where i stand.. and still the moment is so clear.

and i search inside my guileless mind. i rack my heart for reasons.

maybe too drunk off the wine – maybe it was the way your laugh reminded me of mine..

and it all happened in the stillness, your soul latched onto mine.

and we didnt matter in the stillness. caught up in the commotion of a rhyme

and even when you’re out in California chasing commas like they’re dreams

and we matter in this stillness. like matter as we move.

and like stardust in my fingers, you and i we’re magic.

we were magic you and me.



All those weeks of silence
Cascading through my chest..
Distant were your memories
The faint scent of you kiss..
I forgot how soft your skin was
Pressed gently against mine..
The way your hands cover me
How your heart beats matched with mine..
I forgot how small I feel next to you..
Or how my hand fit into yours..
I was beginning to fade out
Erased by empty time
I thought you’d forgotten how good our love was..
Until November 26th..
Fresh snow on the trees ..
Winter came early
But it brought you back to me.
And I told myself I wouldn’t
But how could I not..
You are my forever
And we almost got it wrong ..
My thoughts were racing
My heart was shaking in my chest..
And all those nights I longed for you..
Nights I was not my best..
And there you were before me ..
I couldn’t lift my eyes
The warmth of your body
Tucked underneath the blankets
Your breath agaisnt my neck..
Your fingers traced my outlines
And I sink into this bliss.
I waited 6 months just to see you..
For only hours that we had
And I wouldn’t change a minute
Trade a second for a day..
Everything was perfect
You were flawless in your way.
I thought about the reasons
Maybe I shouldn’t say …
But I needed you to know I love you
So I said it anyway..
You are my forever person
You are the sun perched up in my sky..
You are the song inside my heart
The words written on my page
You were everything you’d always been..
And that was everything to me ..
I just needed you to know …
You are my November
And with you my heart will always be…



Come down one deeper.
Hands intertwined
No matter how scary.
This life may seem.
I am your sunshine
When the clouds swell with grey.
You are my summer
When winters at play.
Come down one deeper
Float here in my heart.
Swim in my soul
Wade in my laughter.
Calm in the ocean
Darkest by sea.
I am your August
In the dead still of December.
You are my bouquet of daisies
In a vase by the window.
Come down one deeper
Hold on to my fingers
And I’ll walk there with you.
I will explode into nothingness
And disperse through your skies.
Come down one deeper
And lay here with me.
Let me be your supernova
And you the stars in my galaxy.
Come down one deeper …
You’ll like it you’ll see.



He placed both hands on each side of my face.

And when he kissed me time between us stood still.

As if the cadences of my heart were echoing in his chest.

I had never been kissed like that before.

so much so where it burned me alive.

And I stood there. Helpless in his palms.

Lost between the sound of the music playing in the background..

And the faint stutter of my breath.

waiting for him to release the air back into my throat.

It was like washing myself in air and turning through a swell in the middle of the sea.

That kiss. That profound moment. Radiated in the core of my existence.

Beating like a drum through my rib cage.

And never have I ever had to catch myself so fast in a moment so slow.

That everything in between seemed like angel dust and sunshine.

Never have I fallen so helplessly for someone that I could not feel the tingle in my lips.

Not like that moment I waited for…

When he placed both of his hands on each side of my face..

Not like that.

Never. Like that.

I am simple I am small.


I am simple
I am small.
I don’t ask for a lot..
In fact not much at all.
I like to stand and smile
With the air against my skin
I like a cup of coffee
For each morning I begin.
I enjoy music floating in the air
I like the sound of laughter
The feel of fingers through my hair.
A blank empty page
For me to sing my thoughts.
An ear that’s meant for listening.
To the things I say out loud.
I like to hold to hold his hand
While we move through a crowd.
I like the smell of summer
On a hot humid morning.
I like to wrap my legs around another’s
Before I close my eyes to sleep at night.
I enjoy seeing people smile..
Holding the door for a stranger walking out..
I enjoy giving light to people..
Because it makes me happy.
I enjoy family.
Hugging my best friends.
I enjoy listening to stories
Told by all different kinds of souls.
I enjoy waking up before the sun..
And laying in bed by 8.
I love Chris Martins voice.
And the red colors of the changing leaves.
I enjoy a handsome smile.
Tucked beneath a beard..
A good ansana in the stillness of the day.
I enjoy words in the English language.
I like the sound of a busy city.
A warm blanket on a winters day.
I like to give my love away.
To someone who will give me the same..
You see..
I am simple I am small.
I don’t ask for a lot..
In fact not much at all.