

What did we do here? To fall as far as we’ve done.
How’d we let it all unravel. Until the spool bled brown.
I turn my head and shut my eyes.
Hope for better days under my feet.
I wear this crown of heartaches
Underneath this veil of sorrow.
I just turn my head and shut my eyes.
Hope for better tomorrow’s.
When did we stop loving. Filling up with hate inside our chests ?
Why did we slow up and let it pass us
by ?
You think to turn a cheek.. Will spare your blind eye.
We walk with our heads held so high.
With nothing in our pockets but an ego sewn up with lies.
Hanging on for nothing … Letting go of good things.
We make mistakes and leave the lessons in the soil.
Carry our hearts on our bloodied sleeves.
Praying for a change- but we’re not finding solutions.
We can’t change a single thing
When we add to this pollution.
Breaking each other
False promises and empty whispers.
Turn our backs to the ugly- if we don’t look it will go away.
So how do we end up where we were going.. If we don’t walk strong.
How do we make the difference
If all we do is sing along..
Take a minute and ease the pain you can feel it stabbing in your chest.
I’m done turning my head.
I’m not closing my eyes..
We have to stand together
If we don’t walk tall we will end up down.
Don’t expect the burden to wash itself clean..
Lift your feet off the ground.
Love like you are dying.
Like everyone you see
Is dying right there with you.
Elevate yourself.
If you want to see a change
Then the change is what youll be
So I lift my head up to the sky..
Take a deep breath and open up my eyes.
I refuse to falter.
I’m not going out like that.

About mollymar

I have been steadily writing poetry, and short stories since I was about 13-14. I have a seriously emotional soul. I believe that self expression is one of the highest forms of spiritual growth, and emotional release. I find my best writing comes from heartache, or sorrow. I am 31- I now live in Denver Colorado & I am loving it. I am a mother, I am a yoga efficient, I love music, and reading, writing, I love alternative things. I firmly believe laughter is a cure all, and I use humor to heal myself, and those around me. I have an insatiable love of the oddities of the world. I am eclectic and strange in my own skin. I am comfortable in my soul, which gives me the ability to express in ways similar. My writing is my therapy. Writing has always been my lover, where I can lose myself in a world of make believe, and feelings, and moments, where I can portray any thought or emotion that touches me in my soul. I am extroverted, and I see things for their true form. Paint the world with moments drench yourself in the colour. understanding what greatness you have seen. Its all in the exposures..positive and negatives.

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