Monthly Archives: July 2016

disparaged apology.


Shoulders pulsing – ache, breathe into your swell.

 Counting toes, and finger tales.

Heart that’s throbbing, how to heal.

Skin that shimmers against the devil’s sun.

Chosen child, as you come undone.

Battered bruised, battle won.

Filling up against my chest, my lungs are tired.

Lay your head upon my breast.

Let me feed you- while you learn to crawl.

Forgiveness shunned us- the forsaken cruel.

Drag your fingers through bitter soil

Across my skin- lips apart.

Moving heart with time.

Brass offering, bold with shine.

Wait for the drawing, when the come.

Stand shoulders tall until its done.

Hold your hands and say your prayers.

When morning comes, don’t be scared.

If they pick you- out of line.

If they need you- in due time.

nothing left of what was mine.

Folded shadows against the shade.

Pull it closed so they can’t see.

The weak, the wounded, the plentiful.

Love it steals from me, it aches inside.

And since you’ve left me- I still die.

How do you clean up such a beautiful mess?

a permanent hole in my chest.

I bleed I ache- You chose, I break.

Hush now child, can’t you see.

reap to sew for now i bleed.

I abdicate you- as you have me.