Tag Archives: blocked

This is shit.


I listen to these records
Songs all named for you
The once sweet melodies
Are now all sadly tuned
In these hours in the night
Quarter after two.
I’m listening to the soundtrack
The one of me and you.
My hands they feel so heavy
Put my pen to page
My gaze steady at these four walls
I close my eyes tightly
And hope that my heart can take me back
To the moments at the cabin
I thought they’d surely last.
The crackle of the fire
You built me with wet wood
I hang there in your laughter
My mind playing tricks on me
I lay there in the darkness
The stale air clinging in the room
The sound of you breathing
Your breath too close to care
I close my eyes so tightly
Hoping I could stay there for a while
But something breaks the silence
And I’m not there at all.
I watched you as you floated
Across the tired floor
You brought a cup of coffee
And kissed my head under my hair
You sat there in the morning haze
As I drank the sight of you.
I close my eyes so tightly
To recollect the scent of you.
You played me the softest chords on your guitar.
And I’m back in Wisconsin
But my memory holds me there.
I can’t tell if I want to forget it all
Or live in the moments that we had
It doesn’t matter now…
The thought still makes me sad.
All I do these days is wander
In all my pieces of you.