Tag Archives: change



What did we do here? To fall as far as we’ve done.
How’d we let it all unravel. Until the spool bled brown.
I turn my head and shut my eyes.
Hope for better days under my feet.
I wear this crown of heartaches
Underneath this veil of sorrow.
I just turn my head and shut my eyes.
Hope for better tomorrow’s.
When did we stop loving. Filling up with hate inside our chests ?
Why did we slow up and let it pass us
by ?
You think to turn a cheek.. Will spare your blind eye.
We walk with our heads held so high.
With nothing in our pockets but an ego sewn up with lies.
Hanging on for nothing … Letting go of good things.
We make mistakes and leave the lessons in the soil.
Carry our hearts on our bloodied sleeves.
Praying for a change- but we’re not finding solutions.
We can’t change a single thing
When we add to this pollution.
Breaking each other
False promises and empty whispers.
Turn our backs to the ugly- if we don’t look it will go away.
So how do we end up where we were going.. If we don’t walk strong.
How do we make the difference
If all we do is sing along..
Take a minute and ease the pain you can feel it stabbing in your chest.
I’m done turning my head.
I’m not closing my eyes..
We have to stand together
If we don’t walk tall we will end up down.
Don’t expect the burden to wash itself clean..
Lift your feet off the ground.
Love like you are dying.
Like everyone you see
Is dying right there with you.
Elevate yourself.
If you want to see a change
Then the change is what youll be
So I lift my head up to the sky..
Take a deep breath and open up my eyes.
I refuse to falter.
I’m not going out like that.



distant in lucidity

reveling in chage.

distant are the memories

of a broken hearts disdain.

chasing out the demons..

as they crawl from underneath.

challenged by the rage

that  unveils the ugliness in truth.

tattered are the roots

that were put here long ago..

and i dont know these roads.

but im just gunna go.

carry it in the dark.

as i close my tired eyes

what i find is your surprise.

dancing through a flame

that once burned my curious mind

spinning all the same..

i only learned it in time you see.

i was caught up in a moment.

let it run away with me.

and im never gunna change

im never gunna change,

i like my story written ..

so why would i scratch the page.

partial to the old ways

that bury me in soil.

i didnt understand the messgae

as they were coming through.

my soul is burning with a fire

that is filled with a colloquial truth

heavy is the sound as we walk among the mute.

may there be things that we may forget to say

we find an ironic misfortunate in someone elses gain..

and were never gunna change

no were never gunna change.

hear past mendaciousness

look past the betrayal in the youth.

dig the sand out of the hole..

as we light the memories ablaze.

and carry on through

cause they are never gunna change..

as long as you believe you need them to