Tag Archives: ending


you came in warm like summer ether – fire looming in the sky..

this unfixed palpitation – your fingers move with witting contemplation against my tawny, florid skin.

you’re absent as i linger in my own impetuousness.

i feel you study as i stir from unbridled agitation – inhaling in this flux.

dismissed by your discernment –  emotion reflecting on my face..

your allegiance to obturation – this once your affliction.. now exists as mine to take.

you twist words into obscurities for you know i will concede -you lack benevolence to bear relent for me.

my existence on the outside – you will never bring me in..

once white pines grew opulent & wide – fire wild with fury spares not a thing from molten tide.

the moon hangs her head low – her tear rushing crimson carried out into the sea 

keep me in this nothing — waiting for this lust to absolve itself of sin.

these patterns are unbending – floating – ebbing – drifting as we sleep.

heaving through corrupted lungs  –  my mind ebbs back to when i could feel your love 

but i surrender adoration – i won’t be a penchant for your pain.

relinquish turned by ember – for all that i had suffered

it will never be in fucking vain.

crested broken home


do you feel it breaking underneath us?

do you see the shimmers off the horizon slowly fading to their death?

it all feels so different, im not blind.

i know this place because i have been here many times before

you forsake my love dear, i can feel it in the tide.

you pull me in when you feel me ebbing from your grasp.

what the fuck are we doing here… why did you ask me to come ..

i cant feel you there like i used to before..

you pull away from me & all of it goes dark.

my heart is growing tired now & im afraid of breaking..

i wont ask you to show me.. i wont think to beg …

i will slowly dissolve myself into a crystal sea..

i wonder where you have gone- how come you dont come back to me?

i dont know where we got it wrong cause now i cant seem to get any of it right.

lay here heavy weighted burden on my chest – my heart is slowly broken..

these waves i wait to crest.

tell me what to do love, i cant bare this loss.

you were everything so promising & you shimmered just like gold…

now we fill our void by silence cause you dont speak the words anymore.

i didnt come here for you to break me.

i didnt come here to be punished by you

if you cant fucking love me..


then let me fucking go.