Tag Archives: Heroin



needle pin prick rush of blood
the high comes cheap stinging numb
fire flame to tourniquet.
spoon basin sizzles your soul omits
fuck it all just for one hit.
soon their face is not one you know
their eyes like black holes sewn into their face
they’ll lie to steal & tear it all apart.
it leaves you aching – it stings it hurts
curiosity to feel a part once was once then once is twice
a powdered substance- purloins the light
mother father sister son…
the unspoken truth of family heroin.
You watch it slowly altar their face…
they arent the same
a crippled face
open sores scatter their skin
Itching fading slurring speech.
This is what heroin takes from me
It consumes slowly from the inside out
But they don’t tell you …
If you don’t stay high it will make you sick…
Heroin is one nasty bitch.
Money missing …
such a binding curse
It loathes its users just the same …
Doctor,lawyer doesn’t care the name.
She does not discriminate.
Heroin has made me tired..made me sick…
It never tires..
Or ever quits…
Heroin inside a quiet home.
An addict sister …
It aches in my bones.
try to help give and plead…
It can’t be hindered a forced preclude
This addiction is around the clock.
I’m mad I’m angry but it does not stop…
This isn’t how it was supposed to be.
I watch her drowning in her speech…
Her eyelids squirm under her brow…
But she tires and her eyes give out.
She yells and screams awful things …
That’s how I know shes high again…
Her sparkle lacks all luster now.
But its heroin… WHY? HOW?
It keeps my mother awake most nights.
It rips her further away from our life…
I don’t know how to make it right…
Heroin has taken so much from me….
And yet I’m helpless…
To help her see.
She’s more than track marks
Covered by long sleeves.
Heroin took my sister away from me .  9