Tag Archives: live

I am simple I am small.


I am simple
I am small.
I don’t ask for a lot..
In fact not much at all.
I like to stand and smile
With the air against my skin
I like a cup of coffee
For each morning I begin.
I enjoy music floating in the air
I like the sound of laughter
The feel of fingers through my hair.
A blank empty page
For me to sing my thoughts.
An ear that’s meant for listening.
To the things I say out loud.
I like to hold to hold his hand
While we move through a crowd.
I like the smell of summer
On a hot humid morning.
I like to wrap my legs around another’s
Before I close my eyes to sleep at night.
I enjoy seeing people smile..
Holding the door for a stranger walking out..
I enjoy giving light to people..
Because it makes me happy.
I enjoy family.
Hugging my best friends.
I enjoy listening to stories
Told by all different kinds of souls.
I enjoy waking up before the sun..
And laying in bed by 8.
I love Chris Martins voice.
And the red colors of the changing leaves.
I enjoy a handsome smile.
Tucked beneath a beard..
A good ansana in the stillness of the day.
I enjoy words in the English language.
I like the sound of a busy city.
A warm blanket on a winters day.
I like to give my love away.
To someone who will give me the same..
You see..
I am simple I am small.
I don’t ask for a lot..
In fact not much at all.