Tag Archives: melancholy



no shelter from disconnect

got some static on the line.

corduroy buttons.

lines of color trim the room

put me in the sunlight

let me wade in yellow.

somebodys shaking the walls now

i can feel the earth moving in my toes

but i could stand here next to you

i could tell you stories

i could swim out into the blue

chase the clouds that scatter into evening skies

would it make much difference now

ive no room left to move

a little bit of broken

shaking up a mess

leave it on the floor

set it all on fire

shielded by your heart

listening to the silence hanging in the room

im not sure why we came here

to look for things; we both feel; eludes.

bleeding through.

just a little bit of static

woven tight with disconnect…

the smell of burning cedar..

as i sleep there on your chest.

maudlin in the very way we  move.

proposals – lachrymose.

fragments in stillness

water seeps into my lungs.

and maybe you cant say it..

and maybe you cant move.


it slips right through my hands.

a little bit of disconnect..

only static coming though.