Tag Archives: pure

I know that you don’t mind …


I know that you don’t mind it…
When my eyes are pale and true.
I know that you don’t mind
When my hair fills with waves against my shoulder blades …
I know that you don’t mind it
When I cry sometimes at night..
When my feelings get to heavy
And I’m carrying the weight.
I know that you don’t mind it
When I lay across the entire bed and steal your pillows from out beneath your head.
I know that you don’t mind it
When I’ve had to much to drink..
And I can barely make it past the kitchen sink …
I know that you don’t mind it…
Because these are parts of me ..
And I know that you don’t mind when I keep playing the same songs..
I know that you don’t mind it..
Because this is part of me..
Or how I leave the laundry unfolded in the basket by the bed..
Or leave my shoes in front of the door.. Not to the side instead..
I know that you don’t mind
When I laugh so hard I can’t catch my breath.
And I know that you don’t mind it
When somedays I’m not my best..

And I know that I get heavy and I say too many things without a thought.
I know that you don’t mind me ..
Because my love can’t count a cost.

And for the floors and windowsills
The snow across the pavement ..
The coffee stained countertops ..
Toothpaste in the sink..
I know that you don’t mind it
Because I remind you of home ..
And if everything we have ever done
has led us to be wrong
I know that you don’t mind it..
Because I’ll always sing to you your favorite songs.
I will always lay your clothes neatly in a drawer..
And I will move my shoes to the side for you.. So your path will be cleared …
I will always share the pillows
And rub your head until you sleep..
And …
I know that you don’t mind it..
Because these are parts of me..
And I’m so grateful that you love me
For the Chaotic swell that I can be ..

I know that you don’t mind it
Because these are the parts of me …