Tag Archives: true

I know that you don’t mind …


I know that you don’t mind it…
When my eyes are pale and true.
I know that you don’t mind
When my hair fills with waves against my shoulder blades …
I know that you don’t mind it
When I cry sometimes at night..
When my feelings get to heavy
And I’m carrying the weight.
I know that you don’t mind it
When I lay across the entire bed and steal your pillows from out beneath your head.
I know that you don’t mind it
When I’ve had to much to drink..
And I can barely make it past the kitchen sink …
I know that you don’t mind it…
Because these are parts of me ..
And I know that you don’t mind when I keep playing the same songs..
I know that you don’t mind it..
Because this is part of me..
Or how I leave the laundry unfolded in the basket by the bed..
Or leave my shoes in front of the door.. Not to the side instead..
I know that you don’t mind
When I laugh so hard I can’t catch my breath.
And I know that you don’t mind it
When somedays I’m not my best..

And I know that I get heavy and I say too many things without a thought.
I know that you don’t mind me ..
Because my love can’t count a cost.

And for the floors and windowsills
The snow across the pavement ..
The coffee stained countertops ..
Toothpaste in the sink..
I know that you don’t mind it
Because I remind you of home ..
And if everything we have ever done
has led us to be wrong
I know that you don’t mind it..
Because I’ll always sing to you your favorite songs.
I will always lay your clothes neatly in a drawer..
And I will move my shoes to the side for you.. So your path will be cleared …
I will always share the pillows
And rub your head until you sleep..
And …
I know that you don’t mind it..
Because these are parts of me..
And I’m so grateful that you love me
For the Chaotic swell that I can be ..

I know that you don’t mind it
Because these are the parts of me …



All those weeks of silence
Cascading through my chest..
Distant were your memories
The faint scent of you kiss..
I forgot how soft your skin was
Pressed gently against mine..
The way your hands cover me
How your heart beats matched with mine..
I forgot how small I feel next to you..
Or how my hand fit into yours..
I was beginning to fade out
Erased by empty time
I thought you’d forgotten how good our love was..
Until November 26th..
Fresh snow on the trees ..
Winter came early
But it brought you back to me.
And I told myself I wouldn’t
But how could I not..
You are my forever
And we almost got it wrong ..
My thoughts were racing
My heart was shaking in my chest..
And all those nights I longed for you..
Nights I was not my best..
And there you were before me ..
I couldn’t lift my eyes
The warmth of your body
Tucked underneath the blankets
Your breath agaisnt my neck..
Your fingers traced my outlines
And I sink into this bliss.
I waited 6 months just to see you..
For only hours that we had
And I wouldn’t change a minute
Trade a second for a day..
Everything was perfect
You were flawless in your way.
I thought about the reasons
Maybe I shouldn’t say …
But I needed you to know I love you
So I said it anyway..
You are my forever person
You are the sun perched up in my sky..
You are the song inside my heart
The words written on my page
You were everything you’d always been..
And that was everything to me ..
I just needed you to know …
You are my November
And with you my heart will always be…