Tag Archives: ugly



needle pin prick rush of blood
the high comes cheap stinging numb
fire flame to tourniquet.
spoon basin sizzles your soul omits
fuck it all just for one hit.
soon their face is not one you know
their eyes like black holes sewn into their face
they’ll lie to steal & tear it all apart.
it leaves you aching – it stings it hurts
curiosity to feel a part once was once then once is twice
a powdered substance- purloins the light
mother father sister son…
the unspoken truth of family heroin.
You watch it slowly altar their face…
they arent the same
a crippled face
open sores scatter their skin
Itching fading slurring speech.
This is what heroin takes from me
It consumes slowly from the inside out
But they don’t tell you …
If you don’t stay high it will make you sick…
Heroin is one nasty bitch.
Money missing …
such a binding curse
It loathes its users just the same …
Doctor,lawyer doesn’t care the name.
She does not discriminate.
Heroin has made me tired..made me sick…
It never tires..
Or ever quits…
Heroin inside a quiet home.
An addict sister …
It aches in my bones.
try to help give and plead…
It can’t be hindered a forced preclude
This addiction is around the clock.
I’m mad I’m angry but it does not stop…
This isn’t how it was supposed to be.
I watch her drowning in her speech…
Her eyelids squirm under her brow…
But she tires and her eyes give out.
She yells and screams awful things …
That’s how I know shes high again…
Her sparkle lacks all luster now.
But its heroin… WHY? HOW?
It keeps my mother awake most nights.
It rips her further away from our life…
I don’t know how to make it right…
Heroin has taken so much from me….
And yet I’m helpless…
To help her see.
She’s more than track marks
Covered by long sleeves.
Heroin took my sister away from me .  9



What did we do here? To fall as far as we’ve done.
How’d we let it all unravel. Until the spool bled brown.
I turn my head and shut my eyes.
Hope for better days under my feet.
I wear this crown of heartaches
Underneath this veil of sorrow.
I just turn my head and shut my eyes.
Hope for better tomorrow’s.
When did we stop loving. Filling up with hate inside our chests ?
Why did we slow up and let it pass us
by ?
You think to turn a cheek.. Will spare your blind eye.
We walk with our heads held so high.
With nothing in our pockets but an ego sewn up with lies.
Hanging on for nothing … Letting go of good things.
We make mistakes and leave the lessons in the soil.
Carry our hearts on our bloodied sleeves.
Praying for a change- but we’re not finding solutions.
We can’t change a single thing
When we add to this pollution.
Breaking each other
False promises and empty whispers.
Turn our backs to the ugly- if we don’t look it will go away.
So how do we end up where we were going.. If we don’t walk strong.
How do we make the difference
If all we do is sing along..
Take a minute and ease the pain you can feel it stabbing in your chest.
I’m done turning my head.
I’m not closing my eyes..
We have to stand together
If we don’t walk tall we will end up down.
Don’t expect the burden to wash itself clean..
Lift your feet off the ground.
Love like you are dying.
Like everyone you see
Is dying right there with you.
Elevate yourself.
If you want to see a change
Then the change is what youll be
So I lift my head up to the sky..
Take a deep breath and open up my eyes.
I refuse to falter.
I’m not going out like that.

It’s a fucking party


I smoke too many cigarettes
I drink until you’re gone
Slosh my toes around
I’m at the bottom of the flask
My heart is fucking broken
And I’m still as pretty as can be
I cry into the silence
Dance around your veins like heroin
Push your finger to the button
Cracks inside your glass
I’m dying in the darkness
A party for my demons
Everybody’s here
Come sway with me
Drag your nails down my skin
Make me bleed for real this time
Don’t leave me with an empty gun
I’m swirling in this sadness
Depressions my best friend
Lipstick smeared on your oxford
I leave a mess of me
I’m just living baby
And I’m living just for you
I’m just your prodigy
Look what you have done.
Spilling whiskey on the sofa
Blood soaked in on the carpet
Lay me down in satin
Bind me in your chains
I’m a lonely baby and I came for this
Swallow me like poison
Can you feel me flowing through your veins.
Just once more for fun
This is why you came here
Don’t leave me til I’m done
I’m sloppy with apologies
As I lay here on this floor
I can’t cut much deeper
Not what it was for
I’ll just sleep it off love
Keep your smell inside of me
We are all about our glory
Doesn’t matter what we’ve done
I’m fucking it all up again
And it’s so perfect for me
We all know what I’m really like.
We smoke too many cigarettes
And we get drunk to fuck
But no one gives a damn..
Because it’s all that we have got.