Tag Archives: warrior

Wild warrior woman.


Her heart stained with bloodshed
Her shallow indiscretion
Shadows billow like black smoke
A warrior woman
A lifetime – no revoke
Somber in her footsteps
Roaring as she stands
Her arms bare all her scars
She digs her toes into the sand
Her eyes look like days of sleeplessness
Worry on her brow.
Her convictions weighing heady
Her fingers lace to crown
She carry on her shoulders
The heart cry sorrows.
She not dare to leave behind.
A sullen disposition
You will never see her cry.
She evokes the strength
Of an army of the Gods.
She will draw her blade to neck..
Should you threaten to draw yours.
Wild wicked woman
Waver not to wonder far to pass
You see her before you.
Warrior woman.
Her shell cast of iron..
Was once made out of glass
She will envelope you like fire
Hot a heady to her breast
She will feed in you a hunger.
The richest of man could not attest.
Somber silent sister
A shield of brazen steel.
For no man again she’ll wander
For not another she will feel.
She will offer to quench a thirst in you.
See to it you sleep sound.
Anger her and hear her roar
A wild woman hearth and shroud.
She know the bitter taste of grievance
As she sweat it from her skin
Not a single man whom cross her..
Will live to say he did.
Her course ebony hair saddle soft against her chin ..
She look gilded by sunshine
As she lay by fire, flicker flame.
Wild wicked woman
Never allow herself the blame ..
She drag her weapon lowly
You never hear her there.
Her spirit shielded by the whitest of lights..
And you can never see her there..
Wild wicked warrior woman
Should she come close to sense pain…
She takes to flight like gracious bird..
A moth to flame..
Wild warrior woman
It be her given right..
Wild warrior woman ..
A feline of the night.